Garut green diamond stone is beautiful and attractive. Precious stones are included in the category of rock types of chalcedony and the original rock of the island of Java. Because for many types of rocks green color and prominent in the market and often the talk among hobbyists and collectors of people from outside the island of Java, Sumatra, Aceh and Maluku.
Some of the famous stone with characteristic green color idocrase types of stone from West Sumatra as local river stones and jade Aceh. There are also stone Bacan and some other rock types that have similar colors.
Arrowroot green stone is a type of quartz stone semi cheldony home island of Java or similar material with stone Bacan, but when seen quite different rock crystals. Regarding the beauty certainly not inferior to other green color stone stone even Garut market size can be a valuable stone ring Rp. 5 million.
Efficacy of a green stone Garut:Similarly, the color stone hjau in general is a color that describes ketenagan and health, both physically or psychologically:
-Describe the vision and maintain eye health.
-Increase stamina and endurance.
-Increased hope and optimism.
-Calming the mind and feelings.
-Etc., the rest leave it to the almighty.
That he was an article about green stone from Garut that are popular in Indonesia and has even famous to some place in the international.
thank you for reading this article, may be useful. Warm greetings from us. Signed gemstone zone.