On this occasion we will talk about one of the many types of stone in a hurry by the fans that amethyst agate. Amethyst or amethyst is a type of rock mineral quartz. Amethyst is the birth stone for someone who was born in February. Purple amethyst usually until pink. Historically, purple is the color that is used by kings, queens, and other royal family members. Therefore, the authorities often have a diamond made of amethyst.
Amethyst has 7 Mohs hardness scale. The main ingredient in the formation of amethyst is silica. Typically, amethyst, pink to purple. Because purple has always been associated with the color of royalty, the amethyst stone is often used in the manufacture of goods that exist in the British empire.
Amethyst stone name is derived from the Greek word meaning "not drunk". Greek society at that time believed that if someone drank the wine contained in a glass made of amethyst, then that person will not have a hangover. Stone amethyst stone ever be more valuable than diamonds. Generally, amethyst stone will shine brightly after drying in a long time.
Efficacy amethyst
For those who believe in the power of stones amethyst premises have special yag properties. Amethyst in trust by a lot of people will make you a more authoritative, charismatic and has a very high appeal. Besides tu amethyst can also serve as a fence ghaip and bring good luck.
Price amethyst
Like the other gemstone amethyst prices influenced the quality and size of stones being spent. Selaian that if the buyer does benart true love, certainly in the purchase price berapau. Because amethyst associated with pleasure and confidence hobby.